A few years ago I wrote the below love letter to Paris for a project but never ended up using it. Today I found it saved on my computer and thought there is no better time than the present to share. The present being while sitting at home during a quarantine and reflecting on the people, places and things I cherish most… If you were writing a love letter to a city or place, what would it be? Share in the comments below.
Speaking of Paris, I just updated my Francophile Amazon Shop and it’s full of great novels set in France, French cookbooks, French home decor, my favorite French beauty products and more. Perfect little treats to add a little French spirit into your home during our ‘Stay At Home period.’
xx, Angie

Dear Paris,
When I first saw you in the movies as a little girl, It was love at first sight. I spent years dreaming about what it would be like to be in your presence. Walking through your ‘replica’ dozens of times at Epcot, I would pick up a mille-feuille at the Boulangerie Patisserie and pretend we were really together and not an ocean apart. It wasn’t until i took my first step onto rue Dauphine twenty-three years ago, that I experienced what true love really felt like. Every breath I take when I’m with you feels more magical than the next. Walking along your cobblestone streets full of history, strength, and life you’ve helped me discover so many magical places while I discovered myself at the same time.
Your bustling food markets, cafés, museums, lovely gardens and most of all residents all have so much life and character. The cultured mix of artists, chefs, designers, writers and magical shoe makers who have walked your streets’ past and the ones who now walk its future spread a spirit unlike any I’ve ever experienced. I was lucky enough to live with you for six months and wake to your bells of Notre Dame. I’ve visited you many times since, each time making amazing friends and bringing home unforgettable memories.

You’ve shown unconditional love when my girlfriends and I act silly recreating scenes from movies you’ve starred in, never judge when we eat macarons for breakfast, and always have a smile whether it’s the 10th or 1,000th photo we’ve asked you to pose for that day. I’ve even cheated on you a few times by bringing along my boyfriend. Thankfully you’ve forgiven me.

So from the bottom of my heart, I thank you lovely Paris. Thank you for the cherished memories I’ve shared with you; both on my own and with some of my most treasured loved ones. For showing me that getting lost can be the best way to learn about your narrow hidden passageways and always leading me safely back home. I miss you more than you’ll ever know but can’t wait to return to your left and right banks.
Je t’aime et à bientôt ~ xx Angie

Photos ©LaVieAnnRose
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